Dr Anbarasu's Diary - Physical fitness and Mental Health

Physical fitness and Mental Health

Would you believe me if I said that you mental health is directly related to your physical activeness.
Being physically active can improve your brain health. Benefits include improved thinking and cognition even for children 6 to 13 years and reduced anxiety even in short term for adults.

Physical activity definitely reduces your risk of depression and helps you sleep better.

So at whatever age group you are in, keeping yourself physically active helps you in preserving your psyche in all ways.

There’s evidence coming up proving that physical activity can reduce the risk of dementia in the elderly.

What’s good for the body is obviously good for the mind. Although not a cure-all, increasing physical activity directly contributes to improved mental health and better overall health and wellness.

Mental fitness is something which has been grossly undervalued in our society and looked at as a taboo.

No matter how we choose, every effort to move counts towards achieving physical activity will have a positive impact on both the mind and the body.


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