Dr Anbarasu's Dairy - Walk your way to Health

 Walk..Walk..Walk your way to Health

The health indices of our nation have definitely improved in the last few decades, so have the incidence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The level of physical exertion has definitely comedown in the current generation, thanks to the improvement in quality of life and increased use of automobiles. The incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure and number of people with heart attacks has increased drastically in the last 20-30 years.The prime reason......lack of adequate physical exertion.

The simplest and most effective form of exercise is walking. Walking as an exercise is grossly under-estimated. The common opinion amongst the people is that walking is something reserved for elders and middle aged people. The harsh truth is that walking is the most ideal and simplest form of exercise for all ages groups. The only exception would be the very elderly with knee joint issues and the youngsters keen on muscle building.
The best exercise for pregnant women would be walking.

The benefits of walking and innumerable. It's the best form of exercise for active weight loss along with dieting. 
The Ideal goal for walking should be 30 minutes of walk 5 to 7 days a week, ideally 5 days a week at least. This is the minimal goal to set, obviously you can walk more than this and the pace of your walk should depend on your over all health, age, weight, knee and ankle joint condition and the speed you can tolerate.
Please don't try to over exert in the initial few weeks. 

Walking regularly 
# Improves heart and lung function.
# Reduces incidence of heart attack and stroke.
# Helps in control of Blood sugars, Blood cholesterol and Blood pressure.
# Stronger bones and improves balance and posture.
# Reduces body fat.
# Improves muscle strength and endurance.
# Better sleep and calming effect on mind.    
# Helps counter stress and mental illnesses.

For a seasoned walker, who is otherwise fit, brisk walking should be the ideal regimen. By Brisk walk, you can still talk but not sing. You might be puffing slightly.
If the goal of your walking regimen is weight loss, it's better to walk for longer duration ie. 60-75 minutes everyday along with dietary changes in moderation.

Some suggestions to increase your walking activities:
# Taking stairs instead of lift.
# Getting a stop before your work place and walking a bit.
# Parking your car or bike a bit far from where you want to reach.
# Walking down to the nearby shops instead of driving.
# Walking your dog if you own a pet.

A regular walking should include a warm up and cool down. The initial and final few minutes of walking should be slow to allow your muscles to get used to the routine. A few stretches is also important. Dress a bit light, like cotton shorts and T-shirts for walk.  You could use a Pedometer or Smart watch to keep yourself motivated with a set goal.

Please make sure you are hydrated adequately before you start your walk. Take at least two glasses of water before you start your routine walk, try and empty your bladder just before your walk. The ideal time would be either early in the morning or early evenings. 

Ideal foot wear

Walking is an inexpensive exercise, but walking without proper footgear will cause blisters in the sole,
which can take away your motivation towards a healthy walk.
Make sure your have a comfortable shoe with a soft sole and arch support. Make sure our heel touches down before your toes. If you can't afford shoes, a soft slipper should be fine. But please don't exert much if your start developing blisters or sore in your sole.

Make your walk interesting

To keep yourself motivated to get your walking going on, your need to make it interesting.

Listen to music for your walks.
Joining a group of friends while you take your walk.
Walking along with your partner.
Walking early morning or early evening.

Walking on Treadmill

Walking a treadmill is a good idea if you don't have the proper environment and time for a walk out. 

Start a bit slow ie about 3-4 kms/ hour and gradually increase the speed.
Look forward and not downwards.
Try not to over-exert. An ideal speed should be somewhere between 5-6 kms.
Inclination does increase the calories spent, be careful at the angle of inclination. The American college of Sport Medicine states that with each degree of inclination, your tend to spend 12% more calories. 
Make use of your arms actively while walking.
Be a bit slow to start and slow to finish.
A proper shoe is once again of paramount importance.

So folks, roll up your sleeves. Walking is a great exercise, simple and in-expensive yet a very effective form of exercise. The benefits of a regular walking regimen are innumerable. 


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