Dr Anbarasu's Dairy - Mitral Valve Repair

 Mitral Valve Repair and not Valve Replacement

When it comes to Heart Valve Surgery, the common belief is that heart valves are usually replaced. The replacement of heart valve is done with artificial valves. It's either a Mechanical valve (aka) Metal valve or Biological valve (aka) Tissue valve.

The advantage of a Mechanical valve is that, it's durability is quite good. But patients with a Mechanical valve implanted in them need to be on lifelong blood thinning tablets like Acitrom or Warfarin. Managing these blood thinning tablets is quite tough and needs very close monitoring.    PT & INT test is to be done at least once in a month and the bleeding and blood clot formations due to these drugs is very high, especially in a country like ours where the uniform access to quality health care is difficult. 

The survival of patients with heart valve replaced is quite poor due to the anti-coagulation related complications and nearly 50% don't survive more than 6-8 years.

Tissue valves are usually implanted in elderly people more than 60 years and the durability of these valves is limited. Both mechanical valves and tissue valves are prone to infection as well.

Repairing the Mitral valve is the ideal solution. Most of the Leaking Mitral Valves in the heart can. be repaired with excellent long term results. In fact after repair, the heart function is better preserved and rate of complications are very minimal.  The quality of life after a Mitral valve repair is excellent and the survival rate of patients after a Mitral valve repair is as good as normal population.

The complex structure which helps in functioning of the mitral valve can be made to work together and diseased valves can be repaired to work as good as a normal valve.

Repairing the Mitral valve though needs expertise, can be perfected with experience and skills. The complications after repairing a Mitral valve are very negligible.

More over repairing the valve especially in children and child bearing age group women makes growth of the kids easy and pregnancy and delivery of women much simpler.

Even though the Mitral valve architecture is complex, each aspect of the leaking valve can be addressed. Close to 100% of diseased Mitral valves which leak commonly called Mitral Regurgitation can be repaired.

For Further Details:

Dr Anbarasu Mohanraj, MS, DNB,M.Ch (CVTS), FRCS

Director and Clinical Lead, Dept of Cardiac Surgery,

Medway Heart Institute, Kodambakkam, Chennai.




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