Dr Anbarasu's Dairy - Heart Valve Repair - F.A.Qs

 Heart Valve Repair - F.A.Qs

What is the common surgerical treatment for Valvular Heart Disease?

The treatment for Valvular Heart diseases starts with Medical treatment once a diagnosis is made. When the disease becomes critical, your doctors advice surgical treatment of the problem.

Valves can be dilated with balloons called Balloon Valvotomy if the valvular heart disease is straightforward. If there is severe disease, your Heart Team may decide on surgical intervention.

Traditionally Valvular Heart disease was treated with Surgical Replacement of the valve. This involves removing your own native valve and replacing it with a synthetic valve.

What are the recent developments in Surgery for Valvular Heart Disease?

Valve Repair and Percutaneous Replacement are the recent advances.

In Valve Repair, your surgeon makes use of the tissues in your own valve which is diseased and repairs the valve to a perfect condition. Though technically challenging, valve repair yields excellent long term results.

Percutaneous Valve Implantation is done in very elderly patient who have the Aortic Valve blocked due to calcification. Without an Open Heart Procedure, the valve is implanted though the puncture in the groin. The advantage of this procedure is that, it

is done without a major surgery, but it is expensive and the durability of the Synthetic valve is limited.

Can all Diseased Heart Valves be Repaired?

Not all diseased valves can be repaired. If there is too much of calcium, if there is severe Rheumatic Heart disease involvement of your Mitral valve, these may not be good valves to repair. Most of the leaking Mitral Valves - (Mitral Regurgitation) can be repaired.

Why should a Mitral Valve be repaired and not Replaced?

By getting your heart valve repaired, you are avoiding a synthetic valve being implanted in your heart.

This takes away the need for Blood Thinning tablets called anti-coagulants like Warfarin or Acitrom.

Quality of life, survival and Heart function are well maintained after a Mitral Valve Repair than in Replacement.

The occurrence of Infection in your Heart Valve - Infective Endocarditis is negligible when your Mitral Valve is Repaired.

How do the Surgeons Repair the Mitral Valve?

The surgeons make your of your own tissues in the Mitral Valve and Repair it to work perfectly. A ring is implanted to support the Mitral Valve after the Repair. Though technically challenging, Repair works good in Mitral Valve Leaks.


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