
Showing posts from April, 2023

Dr Anbarasu's Dairy - Walk your way to Health

  Walk..Walk..Walk your way to Health The health indices of our nation have definitely improved in the last few decades, so have the incidence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The level of physical exertion has definitely comedown in the current generation, thanks to the improvement in quality of life and increased use of automobiles. The incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure and number of people with heart attacks has increased drastically in the last 20-30 years.The prime reason......lack of adequate physical exertion. The simplest and most effective form of exercise is walking. Walking as an exercise is grossly under-estimated. The common opinion amongst the people is that walking is something reserved for elders and middle aged people. The harsh truth is that walking is the most ideal and simplest form of exercise for all ages groups. The only exception would be the very elderly with knee joint issues and the youngsters keen on muscle building. The best exercise for pregna