
Showing posts from September, 2024

Dr. Anbarasu Mohanraj's dairy - Bypass surgery in the young

Back then in 1990s - when we're at Medical school, we used to dread to receive Myocardial Infarction or Heart attack patients. They were the elderly, sick and with the anxious son waiting outside the ICU expecting a ray of hope. Fast-foward to 2020s, It's role change. Very frequently we have a young middle aged in their late forties or early fifties coming in with the heart attack, very often needing a bypass surgery. Quite often we can see a nervous father accompanying the family waiting to see his son make good recovery. In our own Surgical list today, we had two patients, one at 51 years and the next one at 42 years needing bypass surgeries. As life expectancy increases, we are posed with treating these young patients with good results. Most of them are diabetic with a young family and teenage kids. As a surgical fraternity we have a huge responsibility towards these patients. We ought not treat these patients as we treat patients at their seventies or late sixties. We look