
Showing posts from October, 2023

Dr Anbarasu's Dairy - Sitting is the new Smoking

 Sitting is the new Smoking An alien visiting our planet would be perplexed by modern human life, not leastour relationship with physical exertion. After 6 million years of hunter-gatherer existence, humans can be observed sheltering in warm rooms, counteracting the tiresome effects of earth’s gravity by slouching on comfortable seats in front of glowing screens, being whisked effortlessly between floors aboard mechanical staircases, even soaring across continents while seated in warm moving boxes. All these  comforts have happened only in the last half a century. Humans are built to stand errect. Our heart and cardiovascular system works perfectly that way.  Our bowel functions well in errect posture. It's common to find patients bed ridden to have severe constipation. When you are physically active, your overall energy level and endurance improves and the bones maintain strength.  Perils of sitting for long: Sitting long hours can cause wasting of the thick leg and gluteal muscle